The Corpus of Hispanic Chivalric Romances is a free electronic resource made possible on the University of Wisconsin server courtesy of the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies and the Hispanic Society of America, with the following conditions.
Users will cite the Corpus of Hispanic Chivalric Romances in all of the research that uses its data. For transcribed texts, concordances, and word indices, the citation format indicates “Name of Transcriber”. “Title of text”. Corpus of Hispanic Chivalric Romances. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. On line at [date of search]
Images not in the public domain are courtesy of the Hispanic Society of America. Reproduction or copy of any image must acknowledge the rights and permission of that institution.
Users are kindly asked to inform Ivy Corfis of any research publication resulting from consultation of the Corpus of Hispanic Chivalric Romances. Additionally, users are asked to let the Professor Corfis know about any transcription or program errors they might find, in order to improve the accuracy of the texts and site.